Dom Principe

Twitterive Prologue

     When I sat down, and looked back over all of the tweeting that I had done over the past couple of weeks I saw no rhyme or reason that could connect all of them together.  I sat at my computer wringing my hands, trying to find some connection, some theme that I could use to create a twitterive with a purpose behind it.  As I sat there I got a text from my friend Norton.  He was just simply wondering what I was up to.  As I was texting him back I had a minor epiphany.  I went back over my tweets once more and realized something.  Ninety percent of my tweeting was done when I was with my friends, and at least half of it was in response to something that one of my friends said or did.  As I sat there I began to think of the goal of the twitterive the overall purpose of which was to focus on place.  I realized that my place was home, with my friends.  It was the one “place” that affected everything that I was.  So I sat down and began writing.  I came to understand that, although there was not a direct connection between any of my tweets, there was an overriding theme behind all of them.  That theme, that place that was most important to me was my friends.  Throughout this twitterive I will be attempting to illustrate the dynamics of my "family" and my "place" within it.   I will also be asking a number of my "family" members to write their perceptions of me and will be posting them on this page as they complete them.  I will then seek to reply to those perceptions in such a way as to further illustrate the connection that exists between me and the people posting.

Blood or Family

I walk through life and all I see

Are those that I call family.

They are not blood, and flesh and bone,

We do not share a single home.

Yet when my back’s against the wall

It is not family that I call.

I call on those with stronger ties.

Those who never say goodbye

We do not share a single name

But all of us still feel the same.

We are not blood, and flesh, and bone

Yet we make each others’ home

Finally Home

I pulled up outside my house.    Its ten o’clock, Thursday night, and I’m finally home from school.  I jump out of my car, and grab my bags out of the bag seat.  Dave and Mike sit on the front steps.  Both of them huddled into their leather jackets, cigarettes in hand.  I said hi to them as I walked inside.  I tossed my jacket on the back of a chair in the dining room, and sling my bags in the closet by the washer. I walk through the dining room, and down the two steps into the living room.  Pinto, Eric, and my Dad are in the middle of watching Beh Hurr.  I give them a quick wave and walk back out of the room.  There is no point in even trying to get their attention in the middle of a movie.  I walk back through the dining room and into the kitchen.  Kat sat on the counter talking to my mom.  Her legs kicking negligently underneath her.  She sees me and jumps down; starts running towards me and jumps into a hug.   Once she lets go I hug my mom and grab a soda out of the fridge.  I start walking down the hallway, heading towards my brother Ant’s room.  The sounds of gunfire blaring towards me as I got closer and closer.  Kurt and Norton both sat on the couch, faces intently staring at the screen as they continued to fight the Germans in the original call of duty.  Ant sat on his bed, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.  He gave me a quick wave, his attention riveted on the screen.  I smile as I sit down and light up a smoke… Its good to be home.


I was surrounded by my brothers

Blazing through the darkened summers

We tore the world around us bare

We laughed and drank and had no fear.

Yet when you came we realized truth.

We realized brothers need for you

You came and saw the ties that bind

And bound us to another line

You entered with that bright smile

and made us want to go the mile

You became the thing we lacked

Our sister always at our backs

Never Quiet

My house is never quiet.  If you’re looking for quiet you’re looking in the wrong place.  The big screen in the living room is always on; the surround sound blaring at all hours.  My dad is normally on the couch watching whatever movie comes to mind at any given moment.  Pinto or Eric, or Sheed is normally in there with him.  My brothers ipod is always hooked up to the speakers in him room, music blasting away.  The constant sound of the doors opening and closing becomes simply something you ignore.  Every day the xbox is on with Halo, COD, Dynasty warriors, or something. The opening and closing of the fridge every ten minutes is normal.  The sound of cars coming in going at all hours of the day and night is common place.  My house is never quiet.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ready to Go

As much as I love living on campus, theres one thing I completely and utterly despise...the price of parking.  Sadly, I don't have the 120 bucks to pay to park my car on campus.  And thats only if I park just in the garage.  If I want to park anywhere else its even more money!  So, im afraid I don't have a car on campus.  Which really sucks, because I like to go home on weekends.  Thursday is my last day of class, and I get out at 9 at night.  So what do I do you ask?  Simple...I start calling people.  Pinto, Dave, Mike, whoever I know has a car and can get me home.  And you know what?  They always show up.  Pinto will come roaring over around nine thirty when he gets out of class.  Mike will come get me whenever he has his car.  Same with Dave, although admittedly he might not get there until midnight, hes a chef at Bonefish you see.  Now Im trying to remember why I started this rambling bit of work...oh yeah!  Its great to have friends.  Its Thursday night, and im ready to go home.

Bizarre Convos.

I never understand how it happens.  Norton and I will be sitting around talking about chicks, or a movie, a video game, even a party we went to.  Yet somehow he and I always seem to wind up on some obscure, or bizarre topic!  I really don't know how it happens.  We'll be talking about a movie and next thing you know three hours have passed and I've spent it schooling him on the history of the Roman Empire.  Or the time we were talking about ordering Chinese food, and the next thing you know hes giving me a history lesson on the era of the 3 Kingdoms of ancient China!  It all began so simply, which it always does.  I made a simple observation about the movie "Hell Boy II" and next thing you know we're discussing the perspective of good and evil, and who defines whats good and whats evil!  Even looking back at the face book conversation that started it, I can't see exactly where our thoughts jumped to philosophical issues.  I can see where we start directly talking about it, but not how we reached it.  Next thing I know he's writing an entire blog post on his website about the idea of perspective.  Our conversation on face-book ended...and continued on his blog.  It ended on his blog...and continued via text.  A simple face book observation led me into a three and a half hour long conversation!  Did I mention that Norton was stationed overseas?  Yeah...3 and a half hour conversation about Hell-boy and perspective taking place over thousands of miles.  And this wasn't the first time...despite the distance he and I always seem to find some way of continuing our bizarre, convoluted, extremely, ridiculously long, conversations.  Facebook chat, messages, texting, blogging, email, aim, webcams, and all the rest!  Our conversation never stops.

Through a Looking Glass
Perceptions of me by my friends

By Mike Norton
If Dom were to apply his knowledge to the world with the voracity of any common man, his accomplishments would be on par with that of Alexander the Great, himself. As a powerful debater, a gentlemanly scholar, and a master of the art of conversation, his stylish presence alone adds status to any party or get-together.

Dom's a supporting, caring, and unconditionally forgiving friend who genuinely listens to what people have to say, instead of just waiting for his turn to speak. Anyone who would mistake his kind, introverted, and gentle nature for weakness would sadly be proven to be a fool; he's armed with the strategic mind of an ancient military general, coupled with the charisma of some of history's greatest leaders.

Loved by almost everyone who encounters him, Mr. Principe is set to change the world with the power of subtlety, and is one of the best friends anyone anywhere could ever ask for.

By Eric Slough
I haven't known Dom for too long, but what I do know is that He is one of the most intelligent and sophisticated people I've ever met. He is as compassionate as he is debonair. Dom presents a refreshingly objective view of the world, seeing all sides of The argument.
He has helped me to see both my peers and The world as a whole in a different light. He is a great friend and The world as a whole would be a much better place if more people were like him.

By Dave Pinto
Many people with high IQ's see that as an excuse to believe that they're better than everyone. This isn't the case for Dom. He is very down to earth, generous, friendly, forgiving, and loyal. If I were ever in a bind, I have full confidence that Dom would have my back. Dom has probably read more books in one day than I have in my entire life. The guy is quite literate. Well deserving of a teaching job anywhere, I would let Dom teach my son anything, except of course being handsome. That's my job.

By Michael Glielmi
Although Dom is very smart, he can be influenced very easily. It seems that the guys always get him into some sort of goofy trouble. For example: getting the car stuck on the way to sonic and laughing the whole way home because Dom kinda lost his cool. Haha. I feel like if it wasn't for the rest of us Dom may not smoke either. Don't worry buddy we will quit together! There is nothing better then just chillin' back with Dom and talkin' about random stuff that I really wouldn't be talking about if it weren't for Dom. I think everyone already knows how smart he is and he has his future set as long as the country doesn't screw him. Reading? Yeah, ma man does that a lot. I think if anyone sat down with Dom and tired to have a conversation they'd be surprised about what they would find. When Dom has a leveled head he can do anything, he just gets frustrated like the rest of us. To much GOD D*** pressure.
By Rashid Willis
Dom is one of the few people who actually does things for people and expects little to nothing in return. As smart as he is it seems from his peers he learns something new everyday, and applies that to becoming a better person each and everything. Dom also has a trait thats hard to find these days. Enjoying the simple things in life; give Dom a good book a menthol and a code red and he's set. If there is one negative I'd have to point out in Dom, i wouldn't consider it bad but he knows everything happens for a reason, so he tends to over analyze things. Sorry my structure is so bad i just kinda wrote, its from the heart though!

By Anthony Principe
What can I say about Dom? Well for starters I guess I should point out that Dom's greatest strength, is also his biggest weakness, the thing about Dom is that no matter what you do, or say, Dom will always forgive you, no matter how undeserving his forgiveness may be. Also he will always look at the bright side, no matter how dark the situation seems. He is truly the most kind hearted person I have ever known, and because of that I feel that at times people will take advantage of him, not that Dom minds of course, because he is always down to help and rarely expects anything in return. Some people take Dom as a very strange person, when in fact my brother is one of the most down to earth people I know. While others need to go out and get themselves into some sort of trouble to have fun, Dom enjoys the simple things, every day I walk into his room and I find my brother laying in bed with a mountain due next to him, a cigarette in one hand, and a book in the other. Me and Dom are complete opposites, while Dom enjoys the quiet simple life, I crave excitement, and adventure, which is why I think we make such a good team. I could not ask for a better sibling, or friend than Dom.

By Kurt Fago

  Dom is many things. but i truly care about very few of them. because more than anything, he is one of my brothers. one of my dearest friends.

when i first me him, he was a recluse. trapped in the shell of his own insecurity. but i saw something far different from the hermit he portayed. i saw an intellectual, caring, fun-loving person imprisoned within a frail, broken exterior.

i cant really express my frustration as i tried time and time again to let him loose of his own mental shackles... but as those rusted chains finally gave way, i knew all my efforts were worth it. i had set free the DOMBALLIN we all no and care for today. and i know all my efforts were for a worthy cause. because no matter how much i had influenced the course of his life... i now no that he has influenced mine just as much. whether it just be an intellectual conversation over politics, or a talk about the women that constantly drive our minds insane.

i will always know that Dom is someone i can rely on to not only give my intellect a challenge, but to also give my humanity a fighting chance at survival. because even though i might often regard Dom as an idealist... he is also one of my moral advisers. never afraid to tell me that what i am doing, planning, or thinking is completely radical, and insane. because he knows that i regard him among my highest of angels... always a recourse when i am threatened by the demise of my own character.

My Views

For the longest time after all of my close friends wrote out their perceptions of me I was stuck.  I couldn't think how to respond.  Should I write out my perceptions of them?  Should I respond to their perceptions of me?  A combination of the two?  Or something else entirely?  I've spent weeks debating back and forth with myself trying to come up with the answer.  I've started to write responses almost a dozen times.  Everytime, I'll reach a certain point in my writing, and delete it all.  It doesn't sound right.  It doesn't fit.  How can I describe who these people, my family, really are?  All I could provide would be a skeleton with none of its flesh.  Part of the problem lies in the fact that they're all right about one things...I always look for the good.  This colors my perceptions too much for me to ever truly describe anyone's personality.  Not that any one these guys are evil; far from it.  But all of them have their problems, their strengths, and their weaknesses.  Sometimes I think the problem is that I'm too close.  I know that for everything they do there is a reason; there is some purpose for which they are striving that explains their actions.  Even when I don't fully understand the reason or the focus I know its there.  This causes me to overlook some of the things that they do, and ways in which they act.  Then there's the fact that, to me, all you need to know about their personalities is in what they wrote!  I know these guys so well that I see Pinto's goofiness shining through every line of his writing.  I see the seriousness and sense of loyalty on Norton's face as he writes his perceptions about me; and the cynicism and complete and utter love and loyalty in my brother Anthony as he sits down to write.  I see Mike laughing as he writes about me getting the car stuck and he relives it.  I see Eric trying not to be epic as he writes and Sheed working to write my personality in the best light possible.  I see Kurt with that shit eating grin on his face as he says that "I don't give a f***!"  and then admitting with no hesitation what-so-ever that I am one of his lifelines.  I see all of this because I know them!  It's impossible for me not to see it!  To see their personalities shining through out of their writing.  Let me tell you a short story...
Once upon a time there was a guy who fell into a depression out of high school.  For over two years he shut himself up in his room, and almost never came out.  He was afraid of the world; afraid of being hurt again; afraid of taking a chance and, living his life.  Then one day a boot kicked in his door and in walked his brother and his friend Kurt.  Kurt said "Get the hell up!  We're going to a concert!"  The brother and his friend wouldn't take no for an answer.  They dragged that depressed guy out of the house, and into the world.  They dragged him to parties, to games, to movies.  They called in some of his old friends and some of their friends as backup.  They surrounded him with a cadre of loyal people who helped him meet the challenges of the world.  Slowly but surely that depressed young man realized something...He realized his life was just beginning.  That there is no point to living if you don't take chances; if you don't look for every opportunity, and if you don't wring every second of enjoyment life offers you.  
    You've probably figured out that depressed young man was me.  These are the guys who pulled me back into the world.  These are the guys who are always there when I need them; who always have my back.  The guys who can calm me down when I'm mad, and cheer me up when I need it.  They are my friends, my comrades; they brothers

list of tweets

Just woke up. Wondering how my house gets so messy from only me and 4 of my friend, Why r people wearing shorts? Its 20 degrees outside! Insanity, So just discovered a friend of mine eats waffles with no butter or, So apparently green hornet isnt a bad movie according to a movie buff i know. Might have 2 check it out; Just got done watching Shutter Island..."Would you rather live as a monster or die as a good man?; I hate hospitals. Going to get some food n head back later 2 see how my dads doing; Watching penn & tellers show on dvd. I love when people debunk bogus myths; Taking a walk. Its amazin how crowded campus can b 1 night and how empty the next; Hoping that there's no class tomorrow, because whether we have class or not...I have to shovel the driveway. Please no class; couldnt get my front door open today. Had 2 go out the back n shovel out the front just 2 open the door. 2 much snow!; just had a snowball fight with my friends. Juvenile, yes. Immature, yes. Fun...You better believe it!; friends just got me hooked on this show shameless. Talk about serious dysfunctionality! Cant wait for the new episode; Louis C.K. has it right. Don't blame society...BLAME THE PARENTS!; Is it just me or are people on this campus more awake at night than during the day?; Watching family guy...ding fries r done!; Frank sintra, marilyn monroe, n the names of hollywood streets. Where am i? Cheeburger :); Let it snow let it snow let it snow...somewhere else!; Drama drama drama. Aint friendship great?; Nothing beats flying down the highway with no other cars on the road n music blaring; alright just got done watching extended Watchmen movie with a bunch of friends. so now i have a conundrum...sleep or exorcist?; Beautiful day! going to AC with the fam n some friends to walk the boards n lunch at Balley's. Lobster n soup!Gonna b a good day